PHLpreK is now enrolling for the 2017-18 academic year. PHLpreK is the City of Philadelphia’s FREE quality pre-K program with over 85 locations across the city. Classes begin in September, so don’t delay! To sign up, go to to find a program near you, or call 844-PHL-PREK (844-745-7735) to speak with a trained professional who will help you find a program that’s right for your family.


  • Your child must be 3 or 4 years old by September 1, 2017
  • Your family must live in Philadelphia
  • There are no income or employment requirements

PHLpreK is the City of Philadelphia’s FREE quality pre-K program that gives children a jump start to success. Funded by the Philadelphia Beverage Tax, PHLpreK is helping more families across Philadelphia access affordable, quality early childhood education opportunities.

Quality pre-k is proven to reduce the need for special education, raise graduation rates, and narrow the achievement gap. These benefits ripple throughout our schools, neighborhoods, and local economy. Consider enrolling your child today!

Act fast; seats are filling up quickly! Call 844-PHL-PREK to apply or go to to find a program near you!