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Permits, violations & licenses

Reserve a Parks & Recreation facility or field

Philadelphia Parks & Recreation facilities and fields have staff who schedule these spaces. You need a permit to reserve a recreation facility or field for group activity.


  • Groups that wish to use recreation building spaces.
  • Leagues or teams who use fields for practices and games.

NOTE: Returning permit holders have the “right of first refusal.” This means they have the first opportunity to re-apply for the spaces, days, and times they received a permit for the previous year.

When and where

You can download the recreation and athletic permit application.

There are some fees associated with use of these spaces.


Follow these steps to reserve your spot:

Prepare ahead by having information about your event ready.
Pick a recreation facility where you would like to have your event.

Use the Parks & Rec map-based Finder to locate a facility.

Contact the recreation facility supervisor at that location to submit an application in person.
Receive approval from that recreation facility supervisor.
Receive your permit in the mail.
