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Emergencies and disasters can be devastating to the people who experience them. To help those in need, consider volunteering for one or more of the following local volunteer agencies.

If you are part of a community organization that would like to participate in emergency response efforts, contact us at

Pennsylvania State Animal Response Team 

The Pennsylvania Animal Response Team is a coordinated effort between several governmental, corporate, and private entities dedicated to the preparation, planning, response, and recovery of animal emergencies in Pennsylvania. The team’s mission is to develop and implement procedures and train participants to facilitate a safe, environmentally sound and efficient response to animal emergencies on the local, county, state, and federal level. If you are interested in working with animals before, during, and after emergencies, consider joining the Philadelphia County Animal Response, a division of the State Animal Response Team.

Philadelphia Fire Department

The mission of the Philadelphia Fire Department is to provide efficient and effective fire protection and emergency services to the residents of Philadelphia.

This department strives to fulfill its mission by employing strategies such as fire abatement and extinguishment; comprehensive fire prevention programs conducted throughout the community; fire investigation services to determine the origin and cause of fire; and the delivery of high quality, pre-hospital emergency medical care and transportation in a timely and professional manner.

Philadelphia Medical Reserve Corps

The Philadelphia Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) is a group of medical, public health, and other volunteers who are ready to serve Philadelphia during public health emergencies or other time of need. Volunteers are pre-identified, pre-trained, and pre-credentialed to be ready to respond when an emergency happens.

Philadelphia MRC volunteers supplement existing public health, emergency, medical, and behavioral health resources, which may become overwhelmed during a disaster. The Philadelphia MRC is coordinated by the Philadelphia Department of Public Health and is part of a collaborative effort to help Philadelphia be more prepared for public health crises.

Second Alarmers Association of Philadelphia

The Philadelphia Second Alarmers respond to police, fire, major city events, and emergencies to provide rehab to the first responders. In addition all of our response vehicles carry mass casualty supplies along with wide area lighting that can be set up during night operations.

Southeastern Pennsylvania Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters

Southeastern Pennsylvania Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters (SEPA VOAD) is part of a national collaboration of organizations and individuals who are trained to address community needs when a large-scale disaster occurs. SEPA VOAD coordinates planning efforts and, during a disaster, matches community needs with services provided by member agencies.

Volunteers are trained to work before, during, and after large-scale disasters. SEPA VOAD also offers free disaster training to community and business organizations.

The Salvation Army of Greater Philadelphia

Whether it is shelter for a displaced family or a warm cup of coffee for our bravest and finest — hope and healing is the message of The Salvation Army. Since 1886, The Salvation Army has been providing social and spiritual services to communities throughout the world. People given purpose, hearts given hope and souls finding redemption — this has been our mission for more than a century.

Town Watch Integrated Services

Town Watch Integrated Services (TWIS) promotes neighborhood safety through community policing and through our community support initiative, which provides for intervention and capacity building. The services we provide promote safety in the neighborhood by engaging institutions, community- based organizations, and local leaders to dialogue toward developing an agenda for action. These actions and plans involve pre and post intervention services while developing viable partnerships. TWIS’ comprehensive approach to intervention will leave a community better able to identify, prioritize and implement its own action plan to address their challenges.
